For several years local Age Concerns have identified the need to work collaboratively and use the limited resources available to community groups more effectively. These discussions have also been supported by local funders and stakeholders.
Following many months of work by Age Concern Hawke’s Bay and Age Concern Havelock North to prepare a merge proposal, Special General Meetings were held in June. With the support of the Financial Members the two organisations passed resolutions to amalgamate Age Concern Havelock North with Age Concern Hawke’s Bay.
The two organisations officially merged in September 2023 to provide a new vision for older persons services in Hastings, Havelock North, and Central Hawke’s Bay under the name Age Concern Hawke’s Bay.
Christine Renata, Chairperson of Age Concern Hawke’s Bay says, “this merge represents the start of a new and exciting chapter for our organisation and how we best serve the needs of older people in our community.” “We acknowledge that the Board and the Members of Age Concern Havelock North have trusted us with this precious taonga, one with a long and significant history that has served the people of Havelock North so well. We will hold this taonga close, value its past and commit to its future.”
Former Age Concern Havelock North Chairperson Wayne Bradshaw says “The board of Age Concern Havelock North is proud to merger with Age Concern Hawke’s Bay to broaden the service deliveries into the village and raise the importance of recognising what older people bring to our communities. It is important that every older person feels connected, has positive choices, and can age well. Our communities are stronger working together.”
Age Concern Hawke’s Bay will be looking to expand services in Havelock North and will also be continuing the annual tradition of a Christmas Day Lunch for older people, that was originally started by Age Concern Havelock North. This is a free event that is supported by the Hastings District Council and many local businesses and volunteers.
For more information on the services Age Concern Hawke’s Bay provides please get in contact with your local office.